
Principal Investigator

Cyprien Soulaine is an Associate Scientist at CNRS, France. He develops hybrid-scale models for coupled processes in porous and fractured media. Cyprien’s interest in pore-scale physics led to the development of computational microfluidics for geosciences. His research is very broad and applications include carbon dioxide storage in the subsurface, hydrogen production, water resources management, and superfluid quantum turbulence in porous media. Before, joining CNRS, Cyprien spent 5 years at Stanford University in Energy Resources Engineering department as a Research Associate in the group of Prof. Tchelepi. He obtained a PhD in Fluid Dynamics from Institut Polytechnique de Toulouse, France in 2012 under the supervision of Prof. Quintard.

Team members

Sophie Roman is an Associate Professor at University of Orleans, and working at ISTO since 2017. Her expertise lies in experimental multiphase flows in porous media. She is in charge of the ISTO’s micro/nanofluidics lab. She develops methodological protocols for microfluidic experiments and advanced imaging tools (e.g. micro-PIV, micro-Raman).

Walid Okaybi is a PhD student at CNRS-ISTO (start Feb 2022). Walid is a former drilling engineer. He is now doing microfluidic experiments to investigate the complex feedback between colloidal transport and multiphase flow. Walid has a Master’s degree in Porous Media Phenomena from the University of Pau and Adour Countries, France.

Kristina Ariskina is a postdoctoral fellow conducting molecular dynamics simulations to probe the energy potential involved in various electro-chemical conditions between colloids and interfaces. Kristina holds a PhD from the University of Pau and Adour Countries, France where she studied transport processes in nanoporous media. 

Laurez Maya is a PhD student at ISTO developing high-resolution modeling approaches to describe colloidal transport at the pore-scale.  Laurez is an expert in Computational Fluid Dynamics. He has a Master’s degree from Polytech Nancy, France.

Emmanuel LeTrong is a Research Engineer at CNRS. He is in charge of the calculation platform at ISTO. He brings expertise in High-Performance Computing and code development.

Catherine Noiriel is an Associate Professor in Geosciences at University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse. She has strong expertise in 3D X-ray micro-tomography imaging to characterise evolving geometries through time, and quantify mineral or rock reactivity.

Philippe Leroy is a Research Scientist at BRGM. His expertise is the modelling of the electrochemical properties of the fluid/solid and fluid/fluid interfaces from laboratory geochemical, electrokinetic, and electrical measurements.

Postdoctoral fellow. We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow (2-year funding) to conduct column-scale experiments and X-ray microtomography to investigate colloidal transport in unsaturated porous media.

Postdoctoral fellow. We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow (2-year funding) to develop large-scale models and implement them in our in-house OpenFOAM library. 

PhD fellow. We are looking for a Ph.D. student (3-year funding start in Oct 2023, Feb 2024 or Oct 2024) to develop pore-scale simulations of immiscible two-phase flow in the presence of colloids.