Welcome to the ERC COCONUT project! This project received a ERC Consolidator Grant (101043288) from the European Union.

COCONUT aims at better understanding colloidal transport in unsaturated porous media.

Principal Investigator: Cyprien Soulaine

From Oct 2022 to Sept 2027

Colloids (including nanoparticles, fines, microplastics, bacteria, viruses) have an incredible potential to remobilize non-aqueous phases trapped in soils and the subsurface by capillary forces to eventually remediate contaminated groundwater or to enhance oil recovery. Their use in daily engineering, however, remains largely underexploited because of lack of knowledge regarding their transport mechanisms and their impact on two-phase flow. The COCONUT project aims at developing predictive capabilities to understand how colloids control immiscible two-phase flow in complex geological formations.

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